Thursday, December 21, 2006

What is considered GOOD Customer Service

Have anybody think of what is really a good customer service?

Well, for me, a good customer service, is only 1 thing... That is "To make customers feel at home and fulfilled their needs with open heart/mind, together with a smile."

A very simple sentence but deep down inside me, there is a lot of things that can not be describe.

How to make customers feel at home? You might ask...

For me, to make a customer feel at home is to make sure he/she is relaxed in our shops. Be happy at all times, bring on the smile at all times even when you are not serving any customer. Most importantly, Don't use your eyes to look at them like thieves.

In short, how would you feel like being treated in a shop, is like what other will like to have...

How to fulfilled customer needs with open heart/mind?

To me, is very simple... Whenever a customer requested something, do not say "NO" straight away. If it is not under your control, make a effort to ask the relevant parties before replying to them. If an answer requires some time, do highlight to the customer so that he will expect that he had to wait. While do not let the customer wait like an idiot while you are serving other customers, at least let them know before hand.

I agreed that sometime some customers are very fussy type, but imaging if you are mirroring what the customer are feeling, the end result will be -> another unhappy customer and another frustrated worker... In this case, if the fussy customer come in, listen to them even more attentively and smile all the way. In this way, when he knew that you are concerning about him/her, she is becoming less fussy. It's Works... So the end result is a happy customer and a closed deal for the shop.

In conclusion, it is how we behaved and how we treat our customer is all deep inside us... Is this just a Job? or is this a passion in me? For me doing sales is my passion...

From now on, I will give my account on each indivdual shops that I had visited and post my experiences in here. Be it good or bad, it is all for us to learn... To improve as a nation.

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